Hello all, it's the administrator. I'm here to try to give RuneScape a fighting chance at fixing its issues and rehabilitating the game and its community. This is something that requires everyone's effort, so if you have ideas as to how Jagex can fix RuneScape, please e-mail your ideas to: runescaperecoverycontact@yahoo.com OR comment your idea in this post. If your idea is original and helpful, it will be posted and featured in a new blog post with the hope that Jagex will read it. You may choose whether your name, RSN, or email will be shown in the post or to be identified as "Anonymous."
This being the first post, I'll be giving the first idea to help RuneScape. RuneScape is known for its horrendous bot issue. Most websites utilize something called reCAPTCHA which is an annoying little tool that verifies whether or not the person signing in, signing up, or posting is an actual human being and not a bot. This can be utilized for all players to log into the game, which would DRAMATICALLY decrease the bot population. Of course any human player can fill in the reCAPTCHA and then turn on their bot. Most gold selling websites, which are powered by bots, will not be genuinely signing into their RuneScape accounts, thus removing nearly the entire gold-selling-website-bot population. For any of you who are not familiar with reCAPTCHA, here's an example image of a reCAPTCHA that I'm sure you've had to use before.
It's a good idea, except I doubt Jagex will put it into effect. At this point, I doubt Jagex even still wants to get rid of the bots. It's been clear that most of the people who have a major influence over the company only care about the money they make. Why would they want to get rid of the bots? They pay money for the membership on the accounts that they bot with. As much as we, the players, and any Jmods who still care about RuneScape, would like to see something like this put into action, it won't happen.
ReplyDeleteI agree It's a good Idea, It would be even better if you were utilize reCAPTCHA in random events. For example: If you were to get the 'Freaky Forester Event' You would go about it as normal. Killing the bird he wants you to, give him the meat, but before you leave the reCAPTCHA interface would open up, having you type in the two words it says above and then you would be teleported out of the event. I feel this would be a better way to utilize reCAPTCHA because bots get lots of randoms daily and this could slow down the bots or even put them to a stop.