Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Little Comfort Could Help Us All

Special thanks to RSN: Im Person 1

This idea was mainly inspired by a contributor who's RSN is "Im Person 1" who originally suggested that Jagex change their Java code. Of course this may slow down the bots for a week, but as soon as developers renovate their bot codes all that hard work would be put to waste. However, what I DO want to highlight something that "Im Person 1" said at the end of his e-mail, "I think we need a video from Jagex themselves that actually discusses the botting issue that is currently happening around the world of RuneScape. They obviously know about it, they're putting it out of their line of sight for now." I could not agree more, and if Jagex could hire a lobbyist (Ha ha) to give us some information about their perspective of the botting issue and their future plans then we would all be ten times happier.

 The RuneScape community craves structure. The very moment we feel Jagex is falling apart, we feel like we have to be the parents and have to start telling Jagex what to do. The truth is Jagex is stronger than ever, but these small hiccups within the game give us the impression that Jagex doesn't care. Jagex works around the clock to keep the game bug-free, lag-free, and high quality. The only problem is that these small companies that sell Jagex's property illegally (gold, items, etc.) are influencing the community that Jagex has lost control and gold selling websites are in control. Jagex NEEDS to make a video or release a letter that genuinely expresses the concern and the plans to stop the bot issue.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bring Back Those Lethal Random Events... And Those Annoying Ones!

This is an idea submitted by RSN: Alexcthegreat.

Back in the day RuneScape had random events that would actually kill the player or heavily annoy him or her if they were not at the keyboard. This is why being "AFK" was not the best idea if you were training your skills. Back then the combative random and annoying random events were: Exploding rock (while mining, a rock that had begun to release steam would eventually explode if you continued to mine it, giving damage to the player and breaking their pickaxe. You could repair the pickaxe at Bob's Axe Shop in Lumbridge), Ents (If you tried to chop a tree, it would grow arms and a face and eventually break your hatchet if you continued to chop it), Big Fish (while players fished, occasionally a large fish would take your fishing tool and throw it somewhere near you, requiring you to pick it back up), Rock Golem (while mining, occasionally a golem would pop out of the ore you were mining and begin attacking you. It was fairly strong), Tree Spirit (while woodcutting you were occasionally attacked by a high level tree spirit that would come out of the tree), Swarm (a swarm of bugs would come out of nowhere and begin attacking you), Strange Plants (A plant that would begin to grow randomly next to you, and once fully grown would allow you to pick a strange fruit from it, but if left unattended would begin to attack you with its poisonous tendrils).

Those are some of the old dangerous random events that were removed for no reason, but possibly because of player complaint? Well those players can live with it if it means bots are unable to function or at least hindered from performing at full efficiency. Thanks again Alexcthegreat, it's an awesome idea.

reCAPTCHA Can Save The Day

Hello all, it's the administrator. I'm here to try to give RuneScape a fighting chance at fixing its issues and rehabilitating the game and its community. This is something that requires everyone's effort, so if you have ideas as to how Jagex can fix RuneScape, please e-mail your ideas to: runescaperecoverycontact@yahoo.com OR comment your idea in this post. If your idea is original and helpful, it will be posted and featured in a new blog post with the hope that Jagex will read it. You may choose whether your name, RSN, or email will be shown in the post or to be identified as "Anonymous."

This being the first post, I'll be giving the first idea to help RuneScape. RuneScape is known for its horrendous bot issue. Most websites utilize something called reCAPTCHA which is an annoying little tool that verifies whether or not the person signing in, signing up, or posting is an actual human being and not a bot. This can be utilized for all players to log into the game, which would DRAMATICALLY decrease the bot population. Of course any human player can fill in the reCAPTCHA and then turn on their bot. Most gold selling websites, which are powered by bots, will not be genuinely signing into their RuneScape accounts, thus removing nearly the entire gold-selling-website-bot population.  For any of you who are not familiar with reCAPTCHA, here's an example image of a reCAPTCHA that I'm sure you've had to use before.